Oak trees and future oak trees

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It’s a mast year! There are so many acorns , beech nuts, hazels!!
I’ve been doing the Jonny Apple Seed thing but with acorns. I visited to two veteran oaks in our top field, or paddock as farmer James calls it. One is probably over 600 years old. The other is in its prime. Probably 400 years old. It has a perfect healthy canopy. Only one or two dead branches and has produced hundreds of thousands of acorns.
I found a perfect oak tree nursery in the Ladies Walk woods, up by our barn. It’s damp and shady, ferns everywhere and a lot of oak saplings already growing. So I’ve staked out the planted acorns in hopes of transferring them as saplings to the ancient woodland. There will be many gaps in the canopy there as the ash continues to die.

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